function() {} function(a) {} function(a,b) {}替代为() => {} a => {} (a,b) => {}复制代码
function printString(string){ setTimeout( () => { console.log(string) }, Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1 )}复制代码
function printAll(){ printString("A") printString("B") printString("C")}printAll()复制代码
1. CallBacks
function printString(string, callback){ setTimeout( () => { console.log(string) callback() //callback is a reference }, Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1 )}复制代码
function printAll(){ printString("A", () => { printString("B", () => { printString("C", () => {}) }) })}printAll()复制代码
2. Promises
function printString(string){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout( () => { console.log(string) resolve() }, Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1 ) })}复制代码
把整个函数,包闭在promise内,成功后resolve,错误则reject;返回一个promise object
function printAll(){ printString("A") .then(() => { //consume promise return printString("B") //return promise;可以去掉return }) .then(() => { //consume promise return printString("C") })}printAll()复制代码
function printAll(){ printString("A") .then(() => printString("B")) .then(() => printString("C"))}printAll()复制代码
function getPromise () { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, 2000) }) }
function getPromise () { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, 2000) })}function logA () { console.log('A')}function logB () { console.log('B')}function logCAndThrow () { console.log('C') throw new Error()}function catchError () { console.log('Error!')}getPromise() .then(logA) // A .then(logB) // B .then(logCAndThrow) // C .catch(catchError) // Error!复制代码
3. Await Async
Await就是promise的语法糖syntactic sugar
function printAll(){ printString("A") .then(() => printString("B")) .then(() => printString("C"))}printAll()复制代码
async function printAll(){ //must use async before await to enable await...within the function await printString("A") //no need to use then... await printString("B") await printString("C")}printAll()复制代码
async必须在await前,因此await必要用在函数内,不能用在全局global 如果用在global则需要如此IIFEE:
(async () => { await myDate();})();复制代码
function addString(previous, current, callback){ setTimeout( () => { callback((previous + ' ' + current)) }, Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1 )}复制代码
function addAll(){ addString('', 'A', result => { addString(result, 'B', result => { addString(result, 'C', result => { console.log(result) // Prints out " A B C" }) }) })}addAll()复制代码
function addString(previous, current){ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { setTimeout( () => { resolve(previous + ' ' + current) }, Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + 1 ) })}复制代码
function addAll(){ addString('', 'A') .then(result => { return addString(result, 'B') //must return,because we need the resolved value!!! }) .then(result => { return addString(result, 'C') }) .then(result => { console.log(result) // Prints out " A B C" })}addAll()复制代码
function addAll(){ addString('', 'A') .then(result => addString(result, 'B')) .then(result => addString(result, 'C')) .then(result => { console.log(result) // Prints out " A B C" })}addAll()复制代码
async function addAll(){ let toPrint = '' toPrint = await addString(toPrint, 'A') //相当于promise then toPrint = await addString(toPrint, 'B') toPrint = await addString(toPrint, 'C') console.log(toPrint) // Prints out " A B C"}addAll()复制代码